If your property has cracks in Walls then its time to get them fixed
London Structural Repairs are specialists in dealing with cracks in walls to period and modern properties in London and surrounding areas.
Cracks In walls can develop for a number of different reasons. It is important to diagnose the root cause of the cracking in order to be able to recommend the correct crack repair method. Most cracks in walls can be diagnosed by the crack pattern and the position on the crack on the wall or building.
We specialise in investigating, diagnosing, repairing and the monitoring of cracks in walls.
London Structural Repairs can offer you an in depth survey to find out the root cause of the cracks in walls to your property, then we can provide you with the most economical modern repair methods, with the least disturbance to all involved.
Structural defects can devalue your property and even stop the sale of your property
We recently carried out Helifix bar installation to a period property in High Wycombe. The property was suffering from lintel failure, which was the cause of the cracks. London Structural Repairs trained operatives installed deep masonry, helical beams and crack stitch bars to restore the structural integrity to the property, the pointing was colour matched to the existing masonry.
Attention to detail will make all the difference
Expensive specialist tools are used to carry out the repairs and it is important for the works to be carried out neatly and professionally with a high standard of finish because the last thing you want is an unsightly repair drawing your eye to the repair area.
London Structural Repairs operatives are highly skilled and trained in dealing with all types of modern day repair systems for cracks in walls repairs.
This may mean installing masonry reinforcement (Helical Bars), underpinning or rebuilding.